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  • πŸ’Ž Ruby Radar #72 - @therubyradar has mentioned you!

πŸ’Ž Ruby Radar #72 - @therubyradar has mentioned you!

Welcome to the 72nd issue of Ruby Radar! Behind the scenes at GoRails, more turbo tutorials, turbo-ready release, and more!

Chris and Collin catch up and discuss what they’ve been working on with Pay, we hear about a new beginner series of making a Ruby Gem Collin’s been working on for Screencasts, and Chris tells us about a Screencast he did on OmniAuth coming out soon, that is worth watching. Also, we’ll find out some good things happening with Hatchbox, some changes with Simple Calendar to make it more functional, and Chris trying figure out some caddy configuration JSON nested stuff.

Worried you are going to get exposed as a fraud at work? Imposter syndrome can affect us regardless of skill or experience and we want you to be prepared the next time it strikes. Join us as we confront imposter syndrome head on and talk about the rough feelings it can leave us with, and how to lessen it's power over time.

Here's a solution I've used on a project to add a user switcher dropdown with typeahead search to a navbar. It uses the pg_search gem for Postgres full-text search. There are a lot of blog posts out there with similar solutions, with terms like: typeahead, autocomplete, autosuggest, instant search.

We're back for part two of the Combined Mentions series. If you missed it, in Part One we setup our application and installed a basic implementation of Trib...1

Useful tools to help construct database queries with ActiveRecord and Arel.

Take full control of the DOM with Turbo Streams. Contribute to hopsoft/turbo_ready development by creating an account on GitHub.

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Curated with ❀️ and πŸ’Ž by Andrew Mason and Collin Jilbert.

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