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  • 💎 Ruby Radar #46 - RailsConf Schedule Released

💎 Ruby Radar #46 - RailsConf Schedule Released

Welcome to the 46th edition of Ruby Radar! We are one month out from RailsConf 2022 and the schedule is now out. What talks are you looking forward to attending?

Recently, Nate Berkopec shared an interesting observation: running bundle exec whatever could take... Tagged with ruby, rails, linters, docker.

Analytics (i.e. stats about your visitors) is nowadays not cheap. Let's see why, and let's see how Rails could help.

Creating content in 2022 and want to have it featured on Ruby Radar? Create a new discussion at therubyradar/submissions. We'd love to help boost the traffic to your Ruby & Ruby on Rails content!

Find out why the open-source needs to have a commercial aspect to ensure long-term sustainability in this CTO podcast featuring Mike Perham of Sidekiq and Faktory.

On the Maintainable software podcast, we speak with seasoned practitioners who have worked past the problems often associated with technical debt and legacy code. In each episode, our guests will share stories and outline tangible, real-world approaches to software challenges. In turn, you'll uncover new ways of thinking about how to improve your software project's maintainability.

Translate the Syntax Tree AST into parser AST.

Use Valgrind memcheck on your native gem without going crazy

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Curated with ❤️ and 💎 by Andrew Mason and Collin Jilbert

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