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  • 💎 Ruby Radar #36 - Happy February!

💎 Ruby Radar #36 - Happy February!

Welcome to the 36th edition of Ruby Radar! The #RailsConf2022 CFP is now open! What will you be submitting?

Creating content in 2022 and want to have it featured on Ruby Radar? Create a new discussion at therubyradar/submissions.

Nearly every web application will eventually need to add pagination to improve page load times and... Tagged with rails, ruby, turbo, tutorial.

Entering date and time values into an application is hard. I combined these two interactions into one UI to make things easier. Here’s how I did it with Stimulus.js

Andrew Mason joins the show. Naturally, ADHD (aka scenic route disorder) is talked about, a lot. Andrew loves "workflows", doesn't get Turbo yet (like the rest of us), and has a new website, maybe.

Today joining us as our guest is Benjamin Wood, He’s been doing things with Docker for several years which we learn more about, and he’ll explain more on the new service that GitHub created called Codespaces, which is heavily Docker-based.

Use Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails. Shakapacker is the successor to Webpacker, which you should all be migrating on to. All v6 work went into it, which addressed most of the objections to Webpacker over the years.

An easy way to enhance your system tests with Rails and Capybara using EvilMartians System of a Test. - Release v1.0.0 · ParamagicDev/evil_systems

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Curated with ❤️ and 💎 by Andrew Mason and Collin Jilbert

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